Rules for undertaking successful transport assessments for developments


09:00 - 17:00



This one day course is designed for delegates who are involved in the preparation and checking of transport assessments and statements. Delegates will learn from the practical examples of producing successful transport assessments for different kind of developments. The course will help you to improve your knowledge and skills in applying this to your real-life work situations.

Who will Benefit?

The course is suitable for those who have no or limited knowledge of the topic, but they are keen to learn about the role of transport assessment in the planning process. Any property developer who is aiming to put forward a planning application and any lawyer who wants to advise their client on transport development matters.


Having attended the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the ‘language’ used in the planning process

  • Understand the principles behind transport assessments and the role of transport modelling

  • Gain transport development related knowledge to maximise their chances of achieving planning permissions

  • Recognise the ‘golden rules’ of producing good transport statements

  • Identify the key strengths and weaknesses of transport assessments and learn how to improve the weaknesses


  • Anyone in public and private sector responsible for producing and dealing with transport assessment as part of the planning process

  • Project managers

  • Traffic engineers

  • Planners

  • Commercial developers

  • Lawyers

Course Content

Session 1

  • What is the Planning Process?

  • Why do we prepare Transport Assessments and Traffic Statements?

  • What do we need to follow: Transport Assessment Guidance and Best Practices – DfT, TfL and/or local authorities?

Session 2

  • Why is the baseline transport data so important?

  • How do we assess the impact of the proposed development on transport network?

  • What is the role of the transport network modelling (junction or city/town-wide)?

Session 3

  • How can we develop mitigation measures?

  • Why do we need to provide sustainable travel solutions and what are these? (parking, active mode and public transport)

  • What does consist of travel planning?


Session 4

  • What are the golden tips for a successful Transport Assessment/Traffic Statement?

  • Successful case studies and lessons learnt

  • Things to remember for checking Transport Assessment/Traffic Statement

  • Monitoring of Transport Assessment/Traffic Statement


COURSE materials

The participants will be offered course materials folder and a certificate of attendance


Please contact us today to consult and get your free of charge fee quotation.

All of our courses are available for in-house training and online